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"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
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Friday, June 13, 2014


Council of Governors                          KNFJKA

Theme; Building a Skill-based
County Enterprise Economy!

23rd – 25TH JULY, 2014

In collaboration with;


Ministry of Devolution & Planning                                                                  Ministry of Industrialization &
                                                                                                                Enterprise Development
The role of the Jua Kali sector in Sparking a County Industrial Revolution towards Economic Productivity and the achievement of Vision 2030


The Council of Governors (CoG) invited the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA) National leadership jointly with the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) under the JKUAT Mashinani Initiative and other Jua Kali sector partners to participate and make presentations at the just concluded 1st year Devolution Conference at the Leisure lodge in Kwale County between 1st – 5th April, 2014. Following the presentation of Eng. Charles Kalomba, majority of the Governors through the CoG alluded to the need for the establishment of a collaborative framework between the Jua Kali sector and the County Governments.

This partnership would be aimed at developing and driving a County enterprise economy through the utilization of the innovative and resilient skilled Jua Kali labour force reposed at the Counties. Through such a partnership, it would be anticipated that the Jua Kali sector will provide services to the local cottage industries by offering appropriate technologies for agro-processing and value addition of raw materials. This would unlock the potential of the Counties to become the new frontiers of economic growth and spark an industrial revolution in Kenya.


Historically, it would be recalled that through a Gazette Notice No. 412 of 1988, the then Central Government had lauded the Jua Kali sector as a leader and fore runner towards industrialization by 2020. In subsequent National industrial development policies and strategies, the sector has continued to be named as a critical contributor to jobs and wealth and thus named as the forerunner towards the Kenya Vision 2030. Currently, the Jubilee Government through its pre-election Manifesto promises to develop the Jua Kali sector through the following interventions;

1.       Equipping investment parks with major capital items required in operating small businesses such as motor mechanics, plumbing, artisans, leather and wood works, carpentry and similar trades.

2.       Provide tools for technicians and ICT-based enterprises. 

3.       Providing training services and creating market for locally produced goods and services internally, regionally and internationally.

4.       Promote brand-names of locally manufactured products to boost incomes for promising artisans.

5.       Create markets for Jua Kali products, male and female body care products, coffee houses and milk-bars.

In terms of the regulatory environment, the Micro and Small Enterprise Act 2012 is the principal National guide to regulate, Monitor to ensure the development and growth of all the micro and small enterprises. The Act thus needs to be enhanced to recognize the reality of Devolution in its implementation, given that constitutionally {Trade development and regulation} (excluding regulation of professions) is now a function of the County Governments.

The MSE Act, which took 13year to enactment with immense persistence contribution of the JuaKali leadership, demands support to acquire tools and guidelines to recognize and address the uniqueness of the skilled Jua Kali artisans and their sub-sectors. For example, many County Governments are already invoking their constitutional function to ‘develop and regulate trade’ (excluding regulation of professions) at the County level. On this, several Jua Kali Artisan Associations across the Country have been given legal notices by County Governments to vacate their land and sheds or face forceful removal due to accumulated unpaid land rates.

Such examples are like Kisumu Center Jua Kali Artisans Association which sit on approx.15 acres and housing 14,000 artisans, Ziwani Jua Kali Artisans Association in Nairobi which houses in excess of 7,000 artisans among others. Several other Jua Kali artisans operating on temporary road-side sites have since been flushed out of their work-sites by the County authorities bringing back to the sector, memories of the brutality meted on them by the defunct local authorities.   

This has prompted the Jua Kali national leadership in collaboration with respective Governors to organize fundraisers to offset the accrued land rates and salvage the parcels on top of addressing other pertinent sector development issues. In view of the foregoing and the Kwale Devolution Conference resolutions, it has therefore become necessary that the Jua Kali sector, its partners, National and County Governments engage in dialogue to highlight some of the observed shortcomings in national policy and legislation as well as create the envisaged enabling environment at the County level to develop the Jua Kali sector within the devolved system of Government.

As a strategy to initiate this partnership towards the implementation of some of the Kwale Conference Resolutions and facilitate linkages between the Jua Kali sector and respective County Governments and continue conversation on devolution, the KNFJKA, its partners and the CoG are planning to stage the First National Jua Kali Devolution Conference scheduled to be held at the Bomas of Kenya, Nairobi between 23th and 25th July, 2014. The CoG and KNFJKA would therefore wish to welcome the support and collaboration of all relevant stakeholders to make this important conference a success.

Pre-Conference and Conference activities

Before the National Jua Kali Devolution Conference, the CoG in partnership with the Jua Kali sector national leadership would be spearheading a series of County Jua Kali Devolution Dialogues across all the 47 Counties. The County Jua Kali Devolution Dialogues will also serve as a means of continuing the conversation around devolution and facilitating linkages between the Jua Kali sector and the respective County Governments. The Devolution Dialogues are scheduled to be held concurrently across the 47 Counties between 1st and 24th of May, 2014 as a build up to the National Conference and the issues raised and deliberated on during the County Jua Kali Devolution Dialogues will be synthesized to isolate the major policy and actionable issues that will inform the sessions/thematic discussions during the conference.

The National Jua Kali Devolution Conference

The National Jua Kali Devolution Conference is slated for 23rd -25th July 2014 at the Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi. This would be a climax National Jua Kali Devolution Conference after a series of 47 County Jua Kali Devolution Dialogue forums that will present an opportunity for the Jua Kali sector in Kenya to give their view on what devolution means to them, the impact that it has had on their lives to date and the opportunities that the counties have, to make service delivery more efficient and relevant. The National conference is designed to restore the hope and expectations that the Jua Kali sector has had in Devolution and the County Governments as a vehicles for industrial revolution.

Conference Goal and Objectives

The main goal of this conference is to impart civic knowledge on the implementation of devolution, influence democratic governance and change, accountable leadership and catalyze the Jua Kali sector’s role/participation in the socio-economic development of the Counties through sparking an enterprise-based economy. This is to be guided by the following specific objectives:
  • To raise awareness among the Jua kali sector on the general content and provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
  • To empower the Jua Kali sector with advocacy skills concerning their roles in the national civic and devolution implementation processes.
  • To reflect on the socio-economic implications of the new constitution (2010) to the Jua kali sector with specific reference to jobs, employment and wealth creation.
  • To put in place long-term measures to address future sector socio-economic development needs of the Jua kali sector within the devolved government framework.

Conference Design

County Jua Kali Products Exhibition.

The National Jua Kali Devolution Conference, one of its kind in the history of mankind anticipates to draw together in excess of five thousand (3,000) delegates, among them forty (40) Jua Kali artisans from each of the 47 Counties totaling to 1,880 Jua Kali members to participate in the National Jua Kali Products Exhibition and a side on Symposium. The respective County Jua Kali delegates will be facilitated by their respective County Governments to exhibit at each of the designated County booths that will be patronized by the Governments to showcase the Jua Kali products manufactured from the respective Counties.

Tour of National Institutions relevant to Jua Kali Development

The delegates will also participate in a tour of all National institutions with a mandate relevant to the Jua Kali sector development which include the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI), Numerical Machining Complex (NMC), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Technology Development Centre (TDC), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), National industrial Training Authority (NITA), Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) and National Youth service among others.   
Decoration of the National and County Jua Kali Patrons

During the conferences plenary, it is expected that the retired President, H.E Daniel Arap Moi who since the inception of the sector has been its patron would relinquish his patronage to the seating President H.E Uhuru Kenyatta as the National Jua Kali patronage who will in turn decorate the seating Governors as the Jua Kali patrons in their respective Counties. The conference anticipates to simultaneously seeing veteran Jua Kali leadership receive national awards in appreciation of their contribution to the sector development.

Conference outputs

This conference is guided by the CoG strategic plan and the National devolution implementation framework with benchmarks as set to achieve planned results. The conference also takes into account both the strategic interests and expectations of other Devolution partners and stakeholders.

Key conference outputs will include the following;

  • Several (at least 10) devolution  workshops and Seminars among the Jua Kali sector at the Counties and regions,
  • 100,000 Jua Kali sector registered appearances/attendances in general public and multi-sectoral  devolution  gatherings and symposiums
  • 20 sector leaders appearances in media talk-shows on TVs, FM radio stations
  • 1 million social media contacts (Twitter hash-tags, face-book wall posts, blogs etc)
  • 15 Publications ( Newsletters, reports, case studies, outdoor  advertisements)
  • 2 Jua Kali Informal sector baseline surveys and position papers on the participation on the implementation of devolution
  • 1 National Jua Kali sector devolution conference in Nairobi every July of the Year.
  • Official Inauguration of 1 National and 47 County Jua Kali patrons
  • A decided number of Juakali leader decorated by head of State Commendations.
  • A juakali National Sacco unveiled to ease access to appropriate financing of the sector in which case there shall be 47 county Sacco’s demanding guarantee from CoG for offshore borrowing for financial affordability.

Conference Expected outcomes

·         Increased knowledge and participation of the Jua Kali sector in the constitutional and devolution implementation processes
·         Increased sector sensitivity to the reality of devolution and Jua Kali sector inclusion in social-economic development of their respective Counties.
·         Increased uptake of civic knowledge on devolution by the Jua Kali sector due to their strengthened responsibility and participation at the Counties.
·         Reduced marginalization of the Jua Kali sector in both National and County-level devolution implementation processes.
Richard N. Muteti
Chief Executive,  Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA)
Regional Project Manager, East Africa Community Jua Kali Exhibitions
Director, Small and Medium Enterprise Support-East Africa (SMES-EA) / /

P.O. Box 6101-00100, GPO - Nairobi
Tel: +254 020 2243283