
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

High Level public private dialogue on opportunities and challenges in the iron and steel industry value chains in the East African Community (EAC)

The EAC Secretariat has prioritized investment in iron and steel sector as a strategic value chain that can enable job creation and facilitate socio economic transformation in the region. In this regard it has commissioned a value chain study in order to generate comprehensive information on investment potentials in the sectors, identify policy and other regulatory constrains to the growth of the sectors and propose actions required to stimulate investment and development of the value chain.
To enable consultations in the investment opportunities identified in the study and the proposed policy interventions, the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development and the Mining Associations organised a National dialogue among stakeholders in the public and private sectors that was held at the Laico Regency Hotel in Nairobi on the 11th November 2014.
During the dialogue, presentations were made by the private sector, key government officials, development partners and other stakeholders highlighting the strategic role of each stakeholder towards the realization of the study recommendations
The forum was attended by stakeholders drawn from the Private Sector, Government Policy makers, Development Partners, Academia, Financial Institutions and other stakeholders.
During the Forum, Mr. Richard N. Muteti, the CEO of the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations and Chairman of the COMESA Business Council SMEs Workgroup made a presentation on “Opportunities and Challenges in the development of Iron and Steel Metal Fabrication Sector”