
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Preparation for the second edition of The SME Handbook is underway

Preparation for the second edition of The SME Handbook is underway to facilitate small businesses Access to Services & Products

Lack of information on where to access business services and products by small businesses continues to be a major obstacle to their development and growth.

The second edition of the comprehensive SME Handbook aimed at addressing the critical need for information on service providers to the SME sector in Kenya is currently being developed. The Handbook is a project of the Small and Medium Enterprise Support, East Africa (SMES, EA) and is being produced and published in collaboration with several stakeholders from both the private and public sector in Kenya

The first edition of the SME Handbook was launched in September, 2011 by Hon. Chirau Ali Mwakwere, the then Minister for Trade. The Handbook received a lot of support from both the public and private sector and was adopted by the Ministry of Trade and key institutions, as a key reference publication in the Business Information Centers (BICs) situated across the country.

The second edition is being updated to reflect the current dynamics of the ever growing information needs of the small businesses sector in Kenya and will give special attention to the now devolved services from both the private and public sector.

The second edition is set for launch in the third quarter of 2015. It will be distributed through the various apex member organizations in the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Women and Young Entrepreneurs sector, national and county Government business information centers among other outlets.

SMEs, especially those located upcountry; have major problems accessing business services largely because there is little awareness of what the market is offering.

This is a serious handicap, and is hindering SMEs from seeking the services they desperately need to grow. This is despite the fact that a lot of organizations have been formed in the last few years specifically to address the business needs of SMEs. scant information about the market is also hindering SMEs from taking advantage of emerging opportunities.

SMES have been cited as one of the key sectors expected to drive the growth of the Kenyan economy, and are expected to provide the bulk of jobs for Kenyan youth as well as being the engine for economic development.

The initiative is headed by Mr. Richard N. Muteti who is the team leader and is managed by Lydia Gacari who is the project Director

For more information

The Team Leader,
The SME Handbook Secretariat