
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Thursday, April 21, 2016

East African Legislative Assembly Members from Kenya meets the EAC MSE leaders from Kenyan and the MSE Authority

High level meeting held today between the Kenyan Members of Parliament from the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), Micro and Small enterprises Authority (MSEA) and  EAC Regional MSE leaders from Kenya

The meeting held on 21st April 2016 at the MSEA headquarters discussed the following;
The current status of the MSE and the MSE ecosystem in Kenya presented by the CEO of MSEA Mr. Patrick Mwangi

A brief on the MSE regional harmonization and cross border trade within the East African Region presented by Mr. Richard Muteti, CEO of Kenya National federation of Jua Kali Associations and current Regional Project Manager of the EAC Jua Kali/ Nguvu Kazi Exhibitions
The role of EAC on MSEs

The meeting come up with several recommendations and agreed on a number of ways to promote and develop the small businesses sector both in Kenya and the EAC region

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

COMESA BUSINES COUNCIL - LOCAL SOURCING for PARTNERSHIPS WORKSHOP takes place in Kenya, from the 23rd to 26th February 2016

theme, “Building Sustainable Sourcing Partnerships between SMEs and Corporate Companies”, 

this event is hosted by COMESA Business Council (CBC) , Kenya Association of Manufacturers and  the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations

This capacity strengthening exercise is focused on the development of an action plan on strengthening the inclusiveness of SMEs into value chains at firm and sectoral level in Africa. The end result is to create a sustainable sourcing system from indigenous Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that ensures business meet the standards required for them to effectively participate in a competitive supply chain network of corporate companies present in the region.

This will increase local sourcing from small growth enterprises in the agro manufacturing and agriculture sectors by large corporate companies in the COMESA region through training on the Global Food Safety Management Systems, and facilitating the integration of the SMEs into the competitive supply chain network of corporate companies and key regional value chains.

Richard N. Muteti
CEO, Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA)
Director, Small and Medium Enterprise Support, East Africa (SMEs-EA)
Chairman, COMESA Business Council SMEs Workgroup