
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Sunday, July 18, 2010


A new and comprehensive Handbook to address the critical need for information on service providers to the SME sector in Kenya is currently being developed. The Handbook is a project of the Small and Medium Enterprise Support, East Africa (SMES, EA) an institution addressing various information and training gaps in the MSME sector and engaged in the provision of Business Development Support Services (BDSS) in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector. It is being published by Aquarius Media, a public relations and publishing Agency which has undertaken a lot of work in public relations, publishing and editorial services both within Kenya and the EAC region

The Handbook has been borne of an obvious need by the MSMEs for a comprehensive databank to act as a one-stop-shop for accessing information on service providers to the sector

A major outcome of this catalogue will be to spur demand for SME services as players in the sector will now find it easier to seek out those offering the various services in their areas. This will be the advantage of awareness for those who will partner on their services in this catalogue.

Several organizations including Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Micro and Small Enterprises Federation (MSEF), Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT), Kamukunji Jua Kali Youth Initiative (KAJUYI) Kenya Association of Young Entrepreneurs (KAYE), Entrepreneurship For Youth Empowerment-Kenya (EYE-K), Kenya National Jua Kali Youth Association (KNJKYA), Association of East Africa Women Entrepreneurs (AEAWE), Nairobi Metropolitan Jua Kali Associations (NMJKA), Kenya National Jua Kali Co-Operative Society, Millennium Youth Development and Cultural organization (MYDCO), Kenya Micro & Small Enterprise Trainers Association (KMSETA), GS1 and Metropol East Africa just to name a few, are among the organizations that have Shown an interest to partner in this project

We look forward to working together with stakeholders towards the development and promotion of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya and the East African Community in general


Hendy said...

I understand is finally being launched today...Good work! Is there an online copy or where can we find one?

M.Musamali said...

This is a milestone. Alot of research on SMEs in Kenya continue to churn-out numerous recomendations to improve the functionality of SMEs. The publication of this handbook comes in handy to contribute to narrowing one the the gaps " current local literature on SMEs". Kudos.. Can we have a website from which we could access an online downloadable version of the handbook?

MissAnnahO said...

I am doing my dissertation on Mobile Bankings impact on economic growth for SMEs, if there has been any and if so how? Whats needed to take this adoption of m-banking even further so it becomes more profitable for SMEs. Does any have any thoughts or comments regarding this?

MissAnnahO said...

I am doing my dissertation on Mobile Bankings impact on economic growth for SMEs, if there has been any and if so how? Whats needed to take this adoption of m-banking even further so it becomes more profitable for SMEs. Does any have any thoughts or comments regarding this?

MissAnnahO said...

I am doing my dissertation on Mobile Bankings impact on economic growth for SMEs, if there has been any and if so how? Whats needed to take this adoption of m-banking even further so it becomes more profitable for SMEs. Does any have any thoughts or comments regarding this?