
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Sunday, June 17, 2012

UNDP and the RBA take valuable MSE programmes to the Western Region of Kenya.

The UNDP conducts leadership and governance Training for MSE Sector leaders based at the Western region of Kenya where more than 65 Associations were represented by more than 250 participants at the Golf hotel. RBA concludes a hearing loss clinic in western region where more than 1500 artisans are attended to. Among the guests who spoke during the event were: C.E.O of RBA Mr. E. Odundo , K.I E Regional Manager Mr Bett , the MSE Western Region Sector Chairman, Mr. Charles Omutanyi , the Kakamega County Jua Kali Associations Chairman ,Mr. Richard Kondo and the Sector CEO Mr. Richard Muteti. The C.E.O of RBA Mr. Odundo said that the artisans are subjected to a lot of noise and other activities that affect their hearing and was concerned that many artisans are getting out of the Jua kali sector because of hearing problems and that the trend would affect the growth of the industry . He promised to take the hearing conservation programme to the rest of the country. We recognize the efforts of the following MSE leaders from the Western Region who made the two programmes a major success: led by the Chairman Mr. Charles Omutanyi, Mr. Richard Kondo, the Organizing Secretary Mr. Caleb Isindu. The secretary Ms. Pauline Avukusi, Mrs. Elizabeth , Mr. Eliud Wawire and the Executive Officer Mr. Caleb Isindu who is also the Youth Director, KNCCI Kakamega County

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