
"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"

"helping Small Business Owners Scale the Steps to Business Success"
Symbol of Hope for Small Businesses in East Africa

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT) holds a National Small Traders Leaders sensitization workshop in Nakuru

KENASVIT a National Association of small business traders and service providers in Kenya held a national leaders meeting on MSE empowerment on 2nd July 2013 in Nakuru.

The meeting was attended by KENASVIT County representatives, senior Government officials and the CEO of the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority.
Mr. Richard N. Muteti, the CEO of the National Jua Kali Federation was the lead facilitator.

During the meeting, the Nakuru County representative pledged to involve small business traders in all their committees that deal with enterprise development.


gleegs said...

Hi there, how can I get in touch with someone from KENASVIT? I've been approached by hawkers in Ngara who are looking to organize, and I thought perhaps a good first step for them would be to get in touch with KENASVIT, but none of the contact info I have found is working. Thanks in advance.

gleegs said...

Hi there, how can I get in touch with a representative of KENASVIT? Through my work in Nairobi I have been in contact with some traders in Ngara who are looking to organize. I thought it would be best to connect them with a group that has already done this, yet I cannot find any working contact info for KENASVIT. If you could pass it along, I (and they) would be grateful.

Thanks in advance.

Glennys Egan